Anyhow my favourite mix I have found is titled 'Punk Songs with Saxophone'. I love mix tapes with a very clear and direct theme. And you know this tape has actually changed my mind about the saxophone and has alerted me that the sax is alright.
Here is the link....
And while we are on the theme of favourites....
I have had the cassette for UK Squeeze 'Cool for Cats' on display on my bedroom side table for about a year now. I have been putting other tapes on the top of the pile for months now but the aesthetic pleasure this tape oozes is undeniable I tell you. It always makes it way back on the top of the pile.
Here it is in all its geometric glory (and yes that is cat fur this tape is resting on...)
And and finally we are in the process of reformatting the be-jebus out of this project. Watch out world a cassette may be completed in the near future!